Sell or Transition Your Company on Your Terms

Get the Money You Deserve From Your Business

Choose Your Business Successor

In a business there are too many moving parts to fully understand and implement a practical succession plan, while at the same time, living inside your own business. In the end, don’t you want the highest value, get to the next phase in life on your terms, and leave an impactful legacy? We help with that.

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The Q5 Experience

How a business performs and how it develops its transferable value is where the Q5 Experience™ excels. Q5 is a collaboration between a group of business consultants that, when working together, helps create and build seamless value that allows a business to grow and transform beyond the foreseeable future. While we typically plan based on weeks, months, quarters and years, Q5 challenges you to look further than what can easily be envisioned. It’s a fifth quarter, so to speak. How does Q5 look to you?


How is your company optimized for future success when the point comes that you are no longer a part of it?


How are you equipped financially to sell your business? Is there transferrable value? Are you getting the money you deserve out of your company?


The personal considerations are really the glue to creating a transferrable business — from your family to the people in your company.

Is This You?


Every entrepreneur someday becomes what we like to call an “outrapreneur” — that time when they set their sights on life after owning their business. Most entrepreneurs, early in their careers, allow themselves a few moments here and there to envision a future where they finally hand over the keys and get a nice fat check in return. Ideally that check is the reward for the years of hard work and sacrifice required in building the business into what it became at the time of transfer.

Chances are, after reading that first paragraph, you’re fantasizing just how big that check might be. But wait, there are other questions outrapreneurs need to consider as well. Exit planning isn’t simply a transaction like you may have been lead to believe from advisors over the years. You need to ask yourself, Am I leaving this business on my terms? and Am I transitioning to a worthy successor?

Each of those questions might bring on various degrees of anxiety depending on your business’ transferable value.

At Q5, we are entrepreneurs leading entrepreneurs towards a successful business transition where all stakeholders benefit.

SUCCESSION SUCCESS — The latest commentary from our collaborators

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Succession Success Podcast Today's episode begins the series on "Learn From The Q5 Experts." Topic: VALUATION. Sarah Greifenberger is the team's Certified…